In a municipality that has vocational education as one of its major educational endeavours, the debate will focus on the attractiveness and value of vocational training and its impact on the competitiveness of companies, the creation of skilled jobs and the growth of the local and regional economy.
Famalicão is organising a meeting next Monday, the 29th, at 6pm, in the CESPU auditorium, which will bring together Amadeu Dinis, president of the National Association of Vocational Schools (ANESPO), Carlos Vieira from Católica Porto Business School, Vitor Freitas, CEO of Leica and Renato Cunha from Restaurante Ferrugem and a former vocational school student.
It should be remembered that through the Local Education and Training Network, the Famalicão Municipality has designed a strategy in line with the municipality's diagnosis of training needs, which seeks to respond to the profiles identified by the companies on offer at the various schools and specialised technology centres in the municipality.
In this regard, it should also be noted that the municipality has been systematically working with primary and secondary school students so that they are better acquainted with the training on offer and are able to make informed vocational choices, with various initiatives such as employability skills development workshops, 'Opendays' at the more than 60 partner companies of the educational projects, mini-internships, talks with professionals and entrepreneurship workshops.
As a reflection of this municipal strategy, note should also be taken of the campaign entitled ‘Professional of the First Class’, recently launched by the municipality and which positions Vocational Education as the first choice and the first quality choice as an education that generates 'professionals of the first class', capable of responding to the challenges of the job market and the growth of Vila Nova de Famalicão's entrepreneurial economy.
Registration for next Monday's meeting is free and can be done via the following link: