Agenda Municipal / Theatre The End

Fri 09 and Sat 10 Jun
Casa das Artes programme
Grand auditorium | 21h30
Admission: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 3 euros | Rating: M/14 | Running time: 75 min
"O FIM" starts from the meeting of the unpublished text "A Velhice" by Gonçalo M. Tavares with the desire of Momento - Artistas Independentes to work on themes such as Death, the End and Old Age itself. Four souls wander through what is, to our eyes, a hospital waiting room. Each one of them has a very strong reason to be there and, maybe, to inhabit that space forever and ever, as if they were freezing the lucid instant when they realize they are closer to Death - their faithful companion. Echoing like a cry of despair, madness, strength and vulnerability, the transformations in their individual lives spent collectively in that white room end up revealing that, in truth, only Death is the true best friend of the human being. Thus, from the pale realism to the saturated surrealism, the show represents the phases of life that force us to remember what, as human beings, we like to forget best: the ephemerality of life. Is it just a coincidence that we all become senile as we forget to forget? And how painful it is to remember that we are only a word away from our own end.
Text: "A Velhice" de Gonçalo M. Tavares
Creation and Staging: Diogo Freitas
Staging and Production Assistance: Filipe Gouveia
Cast: Clara Nogueira, David Almeida, Pedro Oliveira and Sara Maia
Direction of Movimento: Carlos Silva
Design and Light system: Pedro Abreu
Light system: Loulé Filipe Carvalho
Music and Sound composition: Cláudio Tavares
Sound system: Loulé Miguel Moreno
Scenography: Rita Cruz
Scenic Editing Assistant: Carolina Trigo
Costume: Anne Carestiato
Press officer: Rita Torcato/ Wake Up Comunicação!
Photo monitoring: José Caldeira
Social Media Management and Graphic Design: Carol F. Torres
Video and Teaser Follow-up: Os Fredericos
Communication partner: Antena 2
Financial management: Cláudia Meireles
Artistic residence: Teatro Narciso Ferreira
Support: Vieira de Castro, Servilusa, Decormor, BW (BelieveWork Unip. LDA) and CachepotArtes
Special thanks: Carlos Neves , Rúben Meireles, André Santos, Pedro Salbani, Ricardo Cruz, Anabela Pereira, Carolina Trigo and Francisca Simões
Coproduction: Teatro Diogo Bernardes, Casa das Artes de Famalicão, Cineteatro Louletano, São Luiz Teatro Municipal and Teatro José Lúcio da Silva
Production: Momento - Artistas Independentes
Momento - Artistas Independentes has as its main financial partner the City Council of Vila Nova de Famalicão.
Grand auditorium | 21h30
Admission: 6 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 3 euros | Rating: M/14 | Running time: 75 min
"O FIM" starts from the meeting of the unpublished text "A Velhice" by Gonçalo M. Tavares with the desire of Momento - Artistas Independentes to work on themes such as Death, the End and Old Age itself. Four souls wander through what is, to our eyes, a hospital waiting room. Each one of them has a very strong reason to be there and, maybe, to inhabit that space forever and ever, as if they were freezing the lucid instant when they realize they are closer to Death - their faithful companion. Echoing like a cry of despair, madness, strength and vulnerability, the transformations in their individual lives spent collectively in that white room end up revealing that, in truth, only Death is the true best friend of the human being. Thus, from the pale realism to the saturated surrealism, the show represents the phases of life that force us to remember what, as human beings, we like to forget best: the ephemerality of life. Is it just a coincidence that we all become senile as we forget to forget? And how painful it is to remember that we are only a word away from our own end.
Text: "A Velhice" de Gonçalo M. Tavares
Creation and Staging: Diogo Freitas
Staging and Production Assistance: Filipe Gouveia
Cast: Clara Nogueira, David Almeida, Pedro Oliveira and Sara Maia
Direction of Movimento: Carlos Silva
Design and Light system: Pedro Abreu
Light system: Loulé Filipe Carvalho
Music and Sound composition: Cláudio Tavares
Sound system: Loulé Miguel Moreno
Scenography: Rita Cruz
Scenic Editing Assistant: Carolina Trigo
Costume: Anne Carestiato
Press officer: Rita Torcato/ Wake Up Comunicação!
Photo monitoring: José Caldeira
Social Media Management and Graphic Design: Carol F. Torres
Video and Teaser Follow-up: Os Fredericos
Communication partner: Antena 2
Financial management: Cláudia Meireles
Artistic residence: Teatro Narciso Ferreira
Support: Vieira de Castro, Servilusa, Decormor, BW (BelieveWork Unip. LDA) and CachepotArtes
Special thanks: Carlos Neves , Rúben Meireles, André Santos, Pedro Salbani, Ricardo Cruz, Anabela Pereira, Carolina Trigo and Francisca Simões
Coproduction: Teatro Diogo Bernardes, Casa das Artes de Famalicão, Cineteatro Louletano, São Luiz Teatro Municipal and Teatro José Lúcio da Silva
Production: Momento - Artistas Independentes
Momento - Artistas Independentes has as its main financial partner the City Council of Vila Nova de Famalicão.
423 readings