Agenda Municipal / Music Ana Laíns

Ana Laíns
Sun 11 Jul
Anima-te programme

Devesa Park | Palco do Anima-te - 19h00
Free entry, with mandatory pick up at the venue in the period of 2 hours before the show. Each person may collect up to 6 tickets

She has been singing professionally since 1999, the year in which she won the "Grande Noite do Fado" of Lisbon. In 2006 she releases her debut album "Sentidos".
In 2009, Boy George invited Ana Laíns for a collaboration on the theme "Amazing Grace" that would be included in her new work Ordinary Alien, released in early 2011.
In 2010 her second album "Quatro Caminhos" was born. In 2014 Ana Laíns is appointed Ambassador of the Commemorations of the 8 centuries of Portuguese Language, hostess of a night that brought together on the stage of the Grand Auditorium of the CCB, some of the most expressive artists of the 8 Lusophone Countries.
In the year 2017 comes "Portucalis" which has already earned the singer nominations in the categories for "Best Portuguese Singer 2017", "Best Song 2017" and "Best Concert 2017. In 2019, invited by Júlio Isidro, she integrates the select cast of the concert commemorating the 45th anniversary of the 25th of April. In 2020 he kicked off with a sold out concert at the Salão Preto e Prata of Estoril Casino.

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