Agenda Municipal / Theatre The Cord

The Cord
Wed 09 and Thu 10 Nov
Casa das Artes programme

Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 10h30 and 14h30 (For Schools)

Free entrance to room capacity | Rating: M/3 | Duration: 45 min

How do babies get to the belly? What is this thread that is stuck in the baby? What is it called? Is it for the baby to hold? And I, how was I born? These and other questions are part of the curiosity of the child. A seed that grows and transforms. A heart that beats. Two arms that embrace the world. Two eyes that open and a song that is heard. It is the cord of life, the cord that counts yours and our history and that accumulates stories of other lives. This cord has no end.

List of credits
Direction: Neusa Fangueiro
Texts: Neusa Fangueiro and Regina Guimarães
Directed by: Isabel Barros
Interpretation: Neusa Fangueiro and Rui Leitão
Set design: Sandra Neves
Costume Design: Filipa Carolina
Music and Music: Rui Leitão
Staging assistant: Tanya Ruivo
Light Design: Paulo Neto
Executive Production: Ana de Sousa Vieira
Juggling Support: Dayse Albuquerque
Weaver: Rita Cantante
Illustration: Romeo Leitão
Design: João Gomes
Artistic Residency at LU.CA - Teatro Luís de Camões
Co-production: Fértil Cultural, Casa das Artes de V.N. de Famalicão and Fábrica das Artes/ Centro Cultural de Belém
Structure Funded by the General Directorate of Arts/ Ministry of Culture
Acknowledgements: Vânia Pereira and Association Generations
329 readings