Agenda Municipal / Movies Paradise

Sat 29 Jan
Programme Close-Up - Famalicão Film Observatory - Episode 6.1 (Community Cinema session)

Casa das Artes - Small Auditorium | 15h30

Entry: 2 euros | Cultural Quadrilateral Card: 1 euro | Free admission: Students, seniors and members of film clubs

Original Title: Paraíso (Brazil/France/Portugal, 2021) | Director: Sérgio Trefaut | Rating: M/6 | Duration: 84 min

Sérgio Trefaut was born and raised in Brazil and came to Portugal as a teenager. He returned to his home country more than 40 years later to shoot this documentary in which he focuses on a group of elderly singers who perform every afternoon in the gardens of Catete Palace in Rio de Janeiro, once the residence of the presidents of Brazil, before there was Brasilia. The shootings finished just before the start of the covid-19 pandemic and, the trailer says, "this film is a tribute to a generation victim of the state genocide that has been going on in Brazil since the beginning of 2020".

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