By the end of the year, the municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão will be planting 49 'Trees of Freedom' in the 49 parish communities of the municipality. The initiative is part of the municipal celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Revolution and the first tree was planted last Thursday, January 25th, in the Town Hall.
In planting this first tree, the mayor of the municipality, Mário Passos, had the collaboration of the final year students from the Terras do Ave School Group, who were visiting the Town Hall that day.
"It's an honour," said Rúben Ribeiro, one of the 66 students of 9th grade, who took part in this initiative proposed by the local commissions celebrating the 50th anniversary of April 25th. A perspective that was also shared by classmate Francisca Oliveira, who mentioned that it was a source of "pride to be a citizen of a democratic state".
"It's one of the most important periods in our collective history and this is yet another initiative that aims to emphasise the importance of continuing to fight every day to maintain the values of April," said the mayor.
"I'm very pleased to see young people taking part in this initiative because, just like this tree, the 25th of April also needs to be 'watered' by young people," said Colonel Bacelar Ferreira, one of several members of the commemorations' Honour Committee present at the initiative.
It should be noted that, in addition to the tree planting ceremony, the students took advantage of their visit to the Town Hall to attend the last meeting of the municipal executive, in a gesture to bring young people closer to local government.