Famalicão is now officially a member of the Walking Cities and Towns Network. The signing of the membership protocol with the Institute of Cities and Towns with Mobility (ICVM) and the respective award of the Walking Cities and Towns Network Flag took place this morning at the Town Hall.
"Joining this network will allow Famalicão to work closely with the Institute of Cities and Towns with Mobility and other Portuguese municipalities, so that we can strengthen municipal policies to promote pedestrianisation," said the mayor, Mário Passos, at this morning's ceremony.
"The more we use soft modes of transport, the greater the gains for the people of Famalicão, both financially and in terms of health," emphasised the Councillor for Mobility and Transport, Sofia Fernandes.
The president of the ICVM, Paula Teles, emphasised the benefit of "networking, which allows for a holistic view of the territory" and the exchange of "ideas, technical conclusions and working methods".
"This knowledge centre has an important function at national level," she said, referring to the strength that the municipalities that are members of the Network gain with national and international political decision-makers, particularly when it comes to applying for European funds. "Together we have more strength," he said.
It should be noted that the Network of Cities and Towns that Walk is an exclusively Portuguese network, which articulates its actions with the Red de Ciudades que Caminan of Spain, with which it has an agreement.
Promoted by the Institute of Cities and Towns with Mobility, it aims to stimulate actions that promote walkability and pedestrian mobility in Portugal, in order to reinforce walkability conditions in cities, improve the quality of urban life, universalise the use of public space for all, reduce the emission of polluting gases, among other things.