After a first takeover bid (OPA) launched in mid-March, which will see Famalicão City Council acquire 81 properties for more than 10 million euros, the Famalicão council is now preparing to go ahead with a second OPA, this time worth 38 million euros for the acquisition of a further 225 dwellings.
The approval of the final report of the first takeover bid and the launch of a new public offer will be analysed at the municipal executive meeting on Wednesday 13 September at 10h00.
The new public offer launched by the municipality led by Mário Passos will see the acquisition of 225 homes under construction or to be built: 40 one-bedroom homes, 72 two-bedroom homes, 83 three-bedroom homes and 30 four-bedroom homes. As with the first operation, all the homes will be allocated to beneficiaries of the Support Programme for Access to Housing under the Recovery and Resilience Plan - 1st Right.
The mayor, Mário Passos, talks about a "priority investment".
"This is a very challenging dossier for our country. The discussion is welcome, but we need to act more and the sooner the better. That's what we're doing in Famalicão, which with these two Public Offers has already put in place almost 50 million of the 62 it announced in January for housing," he says.
It should be noted that at this Wednesday's Town Hall Meeting, the Famalicão executive will also analyse the final report of the first takeover bid launched in March.
Mário Passos speaks of a "successful and important operation to understand the dynamics of the market". As for the applications submitted, it should be noted that the acquisition of dwellings yet to be built was the most significant, in contrast to the acquisition of dwellings already built, which saw only one application.
Once the analysis process has been finalised, the municipality is now preparing to approve the signing of the promissory contracts for the purchase and sale of 81 homes to be built in Landim, Fradelos, Gondifelos, Castelões and Delães, for an investment of more than 10 million euros.
Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council has 62.5 million euros to invest over six years in improving the municipality's housing stock, under the collaboration agreement signed in October 2022 with the Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute (IHRU) for the implementation of the 1st Right. The agreement signed and which is already being implemented with the launch of these two Public Acquisition Offers will make it possible to improve the living conditions of more than 800 households in the municipality. The support will enable 100% financing of housing solutions for 817 households in the municipality, corresponding to 2,947 people, who do not have the financial capacity to bear the cost of access to adequate housing and who have already been identified in the Local Housing Strategy diagnosis as potential candidates for the 1st Right.
It should also be remembered that the famalicense municipality's commitment to housing is developed on several fronts, with responses that seek to solve the housing problems of famalicenses, as is the case with the Casa Feliz municipal programme - rent support and works. Still within the scope of the 1st Right, it should be noted that at the last meeting of the municipal executive, the council also approved the acquisition of a plot of land in Oliveira São Mateus, worth 315,000 euros, for the construction of 11 new housing units.