It is in "Terras de Camilo" that the "magic" of amateur theatre will once again be experienced. From March 2 to April 27, the auditorium of the Centro de Estudos Camilianos, in Seide, will once again 'give stage' to national amateur theatre at the 17th "Terras de Camilo" Amateur Theatre Festival.
Proposals from amateur theatre groups from all over the country - Barcelos, Idanha-a-Nova, Maia, Viseu, Vila Nova de Gaia and Valongo - are coming to Famalicão, as well as shows starring the 'silver of the house'.
All the shows are free, subject to capacity, and start at 21h30.
The festival, organised by the Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão in partnership with GRUTACA - Grupo de Teatro Amador Camiliano, kicks off on Saturday 2 March with the play "The Van", by Teatro de Balugas (Barcelos), which will tell the story of Romão and his brother who decide to reform their father's business by adopting a new business: a van that sells anything and everything.
This is followed by the play "The Wedding", by the Milheirós (Maia) Dramatic and Musical School, on 9 March, then "The Devoted Mother-in-Law", by the Aldeia Verde de Lazarim (Viseu) Theatre Group, on 16 March, and "Alone", starring famalicense actress Elsa Pinho, on Saturday 23 March.
World Theatre Day, celebrated on March 21, will be marked with initiatives such as the presentation of the children's show, "The King Who Ate Stories", by Pandora Teatro (Vila Nova de Gaia), on March 27 at 3pm, as well as the theatre workshop "April and Freedom - From Creative Writing to Staging a Story", led by Ana Azevedo, with sessions from March 27 to April 25 and free and compulsory registration.
In April, the exhibition "The Puppet Stage” will be inaugurated on the 5th at 6pm and will be on display in the Casa do Caseiro of the Camilo Castelo Branco House-Museum until the April 28, with free admission.
The theatre programme continues on April 6, with the show "Till Wedlock Do Us Part", by the Grupo Dramático e Recreativo da Retorta (Valongo), followed on April 13, with the play "The Annex", by Ajidanha - Associação de Juventude, from Idanha-a-Nova.
The following week, on April 20, it will be the turn of NUTEACV - Núcleo de Teatro da Associação Cultural de Vermoim, an amateur theatre group from Famalicense, to put on the show "It’s Good to See You", in the auditorium of the Centro de Estudos Camilianos.
The 17th "Terras de Camilo" Amateur Theatre Festival closes with a performance by GRUTACA, on April 27, which will present the show "The Werewolf".