Health and quality of life, education, training and science, employment, entrepreneurship and innovation, environment and sustainability, culture, sports and leisure, housing, mobility and emancipation, citizen participation and global citizenship, associativism and youth. These are the strategic areas and priorities of the young people of Famalicão for their municipality. Half a thousand young people who live, reside or study in Vila Nova de Famalicão gave their contribution to the elaboration of the new Municipal Youth Plan, which will be in force until 2026.
The presentation of the 'Famalicão's Municipal Youth Plan - Local Strategy for Youth 2023-2026' took place last May 19, in the auditorium of the Agrupamento de Escolas D. Sancho I, and represents the first step towards a municipal management that promises to turn Famalicão into a "national reference in youth policies", as stated by the Mayor of Vila Nova de Famalicão, Mário Passos.
"We want to develop measures and public policies coherent with the challenges that young people face, and, for that, we involve them in this constructive analysis of the territory, which gives strength to the municipal decision-making", explains the mayor. "This plan enlightens us in relation to their real needs, ambitions and perceptions (...) giving them a voice in relation to fundamental matters for their quality of life and for their future, such as environmental sustainability, housing and emancipation, and education and training, among others", reinforces Mário Passos.
The presentation of the municipal plan was carried out in a conversation format, moderated by Diana Duarte, journalist from RTP and Antena 3, known for 'A Minha Geração', program dedicated to the disclosure of young national talents, who was flanked by the Mayor and by Bruno António, from DYPALL - Developing Youth Participation At The Local Level, entity that facilitated the preparation of the Municipal Youth Plan of Famalicão, before an audience full of young people from Famalicão.
In Bruno António's opinion, young people from Famalicão were "quite" participative in the auscultation and consultation actions developed by the territory, and that involved from young students to "unemployed young people, young leaders, (young) people with special needs, because all of them have something to say about their territory, they have an opinion". The DYPALL representative was satisfied with the result, and highlighted that the methodology implemented was an effective way of "getting young people to participate, to think about their territory and to present concrete proposals".
The Municipal Youth Plan resulted from a collaborative and auscultation process, developed during the year 2022, which involved 506 young people - of which, around 300 presented concrete proposals in different areas -, and more than 80 partners from all over the municipality, including Parish Councils, associations, school groups, artistic entities, among others.
Based on eight strategic areas, ranging from Health and Quality of Life to Associativism and Volunteering, the Municipal Youth Plan aims to make the Municipality of Famalicão a regional and national reference in terms of youth policies, in order to foster an internal environment that enhances its inclusion and civic intervention, as well as its training and retention in the municipality.
Along with this reinforcement of the commitment with the youth of Famalicão, it should be noted that Famalicão will keep the Youth Friendly Municipality Seal - 5 stars category, "a distinction that validates the commitment of the municipality with the new generations of our municipality", highlights the Mayor.